Frequently Asked Questions

Q:Can I order your products directly from you?
A:We’re sorry, but our company is not set up to sell directly to consumers. Instead, we sell to distributors who stock your favorite stores with our products. There are several online sites where you can purchase Mr. Sprinkles directly.

Related links:

My Brands Amazon

Q:Is Mr. Sprinkles Kosher?
A:Yes, Mr. Sprinkles is certified Kosher (Star-K).
Q:Does Mr. Sprinkles contain any food allergens?
A:Mr. Sprinkles contains Soy Lecithin, which comes from soybeans. Although Mr. Sprinkles does not contain any other allergens, it is packaged in a facility that processes milk and peanuts.
Q:Is Mr. Sprinkles Gluten-Free?
A:Although there is no gluten used to manufacture Mr. Sprinkles products, Mr. Sprinkles is packaged in a facility that processes wheat. For this reason, we do not claim Mr. Sprinkles to be gluten-free, only that no ingredients in the product contain gluten.
Q:What is the shelf life of Mr. Sprinkles?
A:You can find our expiration date labeled on the bottle.
Q:How should I store Mr. Sprinkles?
A:Mr. Sprinkles should be stored in a cool, dry place and does not require refrigeration.
Q: What’s in Mr.Sprinkles?
A:For nutritional information on Rainbow Sprinkles, click here. For nutritional information on Chocolate Sprinkles, click here.